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Screenshot of HugseBot with some items


A Telegram bot for lists of all kinds

Hugse (v) - (norwegian) To remember

HugseBot is a really simple Telegram bot that lets you maintain lists. Perfect for shopping / grocery lists and todo lists.

The idea was to make a list bot that is super easy to use, and behaves well in both groups and private chats.

  • Add / remove items
  • Check / uncheck items
  • Works well in group chats and private chats


One chat one list

Chat = List

Each chat has one shared list. Your private chat with the bot is your personal list.

For more private lists, create a group with only you and the bot as members.

Send a message or reply to add an item

In private chats, any message sent to the bot is added to the list.

In group chats any reply to the bot is added to the list as an item.
Use the ➕ button to enter into reply mode to enter many items fast.

Add many items in one messsage: Each line in a message is added as a separate item.

Inline keys for easy actions

When checking or removing items, inline keys makes the actions fast and eay.

Screenshot of checking and unchecking feature

Support HugseBot

HugseBot is developed as a private side project.

Operating an online service has some costs. And it would be nice to at leat cover those.

Many apps and services are either financed by directly or indirectly selling users personal information to big ad networks.

HugseBot wants to be different, and will ask you politely to click a link from Tize is a service that delivers advertisement without tracking and selling users information. (And you will not be asked to download a bad mobile game. Most of the ads are for artists promoting their new content.)

Support HugseBot right now.
(And get a preview of how the advertisements looks.)

Terms / Privacy policy


HugseBot is delivered for free, with no guarantees, and accept no liability for any damages that might be caused.

Privacy policy

HugseBot only collects the state of your list.

No other personal data is collected or saved.

No personal data is shared with any third party.